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About the Mission


The Embassy of Uganda and The Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva was opened on March 12, 1996 by Ambassador Nathan Irumba who arrived in Geneva on March 10, 1996, as Chargé d'affaires ad interim. The purpose was to implement Uganda's Foreign Policy in Switzerland and to the other International Organisations in order to promote economic growth, Security and development.  With over 100 international organizations, The Permanent Mission is able to engage at a multilateral level on issues concerning refugees, global health, international law, economic development, trade, intellectual property, the environment, arms control and human rights through organisations such as UNOG, WTO, UNCTAD, ITC, ITU, ILO, WIPO, WMO, OHCHR, UNCHR etc.  At a bilateral level, The Mission is tasked to promote Uganda as the tourist destination of choice for the Swiss people, a profitable destination for Swiss Foreign Direct Investment and to increase the  trade between the two countries. The Mission also provides consular services and advice on matters including passports, visas, temporary travel documents.


The Permanent Mission is accredited to the United Nations Office at Geneva, other International Organizations and to Switzerland. It is therefore, responsible for implementing Uganda Foreign Policy in Switzerland and to the other International Organisations in order to promote Uganda's economic growth, Security and development.


The Vision of the Uganda Geneva Mission is to effectively represent and promote Uganda's interests of peace and prosperity at United Nations Office at Geneva, other International Organizations and to Switzerland.


The Mission represents Uganda and effectively participates in the work of Geneva based International Organizations such as the UN, WTO, UNCTAD, ITC, ILO, WIPO, WMO, OHCHR and UNCHR; to promote Uganda as a major tourist destination for the Swiss and as a profitable destination for Swiss Foreign Direct Investment; to enhance the value, volume and diversity of Uganda's exports to Switzerland; and to mobilize financial and other resources from Switzerland to Uganda.


Geneva is a major hub for Multilateral Institutions that deal with a vast array of activities and issues, including multilateral trade negotiations and treaties; trade and development issues; political and security issues such as disarmament; human rights and social and humanitarian issues such as migration, labor and health; telecommunications issues; intellectual property issues; meteorological and environmental issues.  

The function of the Uganda Geneva Mission therefore is to act as Uganda's sentinel, or the eyes and ears of Uganda vis a vis the International Community that shapes and participates in the activities and issues of the Multilateral Institutions based in Geneva. The Mission also represents Uganda's interests within these Multilateral Institutions.

The Mission plays an important role of attracting foreign direct investment from Switzerland into Uganda; promoting trade between Uganda and Switzerland; promoting Swiss tourism into Uganda; and mobilizing financial and other resources from Switzerland into Uganda, including from the diaspora.
